Friday, August 9, 2013

Favourite TV Shows/ Mis series preferidas...

Sin título #6
One of my hugest obsessions to unwind and relax are tv shows and here are my top 3 that literally have me watching one episode after another...
  1. White Collar: The handsome Matt Bomer is an ex-thief that resolves cases collaborating with the FBI./ Ladrón de Guante Blanco: El guapísimo Matt Bomer interpreta a un ex ladrón que ahora colabora con el FBI.
  2. Pretty Little liars: A mystery story that cannot be briefly explaines so you better go watch it, my dear...!/ Pequeñas Mentirosas: Un argumento difícil de explicar de forma abreviada, ¡dadle una oportunidad!
  3. Desperate Housewives: Honestly, whoever wrote this had the power of making funny and crazy everyday situations...P.s Gabrielle Solis is my favourite in town :)/ Mujeres Desesperadas: Fuere quien fuere el que escribió esta serie tenía un don para amplificar y ridiculizar los problemas del día a día hasta que me destornille de risa...PD: Gabrielle Solís es mi preferida de toda la life ;)

1 comment:

  1. I've not seen these shows, the White Collar looks interesting, I will have to check that out xx
